Why State of Mind Quotes?
State of Mind Quotes was born from my passion of self-expression and authentic conversations. I believe that words ignite something inside us—they capture a feeling, tell a story, or create a bond.
It all began with one quote: "Don't Get Too Comfortable, My Hair Changes… A Lot."
That line came to me after what feels like a lifetime of constant hair transformations—which could be a reflection of my professional hairstyling background, or more likely, my constant evolution. Either way, I got tired of having to prepare the world for my next hair change. What I really wanted to say was: admire it and move on!, but... that would have been rude—so... what could I say?
I thought to myself: I can’t be the only one --this should be a movement! That’s when the light bulb turned on: Why say it out loud when you can wear it even louder?
That moment led me to create State of Mind Quotes—humorous, unapologetic moments that deserve to be documented, shared, and celebrated. Every time a prolific quote was born, my signature reaction was, "That’s a T-shirt!" No pun intended—I wasn’t planning on making T-shirts. It was just how I described a quote—T-shirt worthy. But then I realized, T-shirts are actually an amazing way to express ourselves and this is only the beginning.
State of Mind Quotes are more than T-shirts—it's a celebration of individuality and the sparks that make us who we are. Each quote is a conversation starter, a vibe, a way to say, "This is me."
Self expression is where we find the beauty in both what sets us apart and what brings us together.
Let’s rock that state of mind, one quote at a time.
With love,
State of Mind Quotes Founder